
Monday 6 June 2011

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Selling Faster Than Black Ops, New Record Waiting To Be Set|Modern Warfare Bestseller|In Demand Modern Warfare|Modern Warfare Vs The Black Ops

GameStop is reporting that Modern Warfare 3 pre-orders are getting closer to the level of the Black Ops pre-orders which is the highest-selling game of all time. This isn’t a weird situation at all as we are used with Call Of Duty titles breaking all the records.
Black Ops is the biggest selling game after over takingModern Warfare 2, launched only one year earlier. This happened because gamers were disappointed by the short single-player campaign, however, COD games are selling so good thanks to the multiplayer implementation and now with the introduction of Call of Duty Elite, things are about to get even better as the stakes have been increased.
The retailer didn’t give exact numbers of Modern Warfare3 pre-orders, but it says that Black Ops is being outpaced by the upcoming game in the COD franchise. Since theModern Warfare 3 release date is November 8th, gamers have enough time to overtake Black Ops in sales and everybody will be surprised if millions of people aren’t curious to find Makarov.
The Call of Duty series has brought a lot of money to Activision and this won’t end soon. The company gained momentum from the previous COD games, but now the story is different as EA and DICE will also release a very good game this fall called Battlefield 3.
Personally, I believe that Battlefield 3 looks better thanModern Warfare 3, but the mutiplayer part in BF games is kinda lame. Hopefully, EA will fix this and the world of gaming will be interesting once again.
I am really curious about next year as I want to see what Activision prepared for us. Modern Warfare 3 will be the last game of the MW series so Activision has to come up with something new to the market. What do you think it will be? Iraq war? Afghanistan war? Stay tuned to our website and you’ll find out more!

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